Crime and Punishment

Published by President on


So as you can guess from the title, I am not only alluding to my hectic week but also telling you that you need to go see the Owlet’s production of Crime and Punishment!

My main occupation has been rushing around trying to get the Monday 0th week charge on first years battels cancelled. The bursary has told me that this will be finalised by Friday of this week. If you are a first year and have not yet paid your battels then pay them but leave out the £15 charge. If you have already paid them then hopefully following confirmation on Friday you should be reimbursed! If you have any other questions about battels process then please either chat to me or the bursary.

This week I also met with the President to discuss Governing Body agenda. Given that it is the first Ordinary Meeting of the year this meeting was incredibly brief. However, it has been decided that in further meetings the JCR will be able to give a brief report on what is happening amongst the undergraduates. So, if you ever have anything you’d like to report then please let me or Thomas Munro (Treasurer) know so we can include it.

I have also been trying to achieve a long-held aim of improving the Personal Development Fund by both digitising it and improving the selection process by changing the questions asked. Alexander Dymond has taken this task on board and will hopefully be creating a survey this term so that students can fill out the form online by Hilary Term 2018. I personally hope that this sparks further digitisation of colleges forms!

On Thursday, Hannah Cheah (VP) and I hosted JCR President’s Committee at Corpus. The meeting saw discussion of a wide range of issues from JCR refurbishment, to vacation residence charges to introduction of new committee positions. If you would like to read these minutes then please do let me know. Equally, if you have a query and would like to find out how other colleges tackle an issue then I am more than happy to bring it up at the next prescom meeting.

Finally, this Friday, the VP, the Entz President and I went to Balliol to discuss provision for their JCR including their pantry which allows the students to buy food outside of hall. We have been looking at this type of provision to see where perhaps the JCR can improve in the future. If you have any ideas about what you would like the JCR to look like (all the rooms, not just the main one) then let any of us know. Although these ideas may not be implemented till further in the future, it is useful to create an idea of where undergraduates would like to see the JCR over the next few years.

This next week will see myself and other college figures meeting to look at how the JCR can be improved. I will also be meeting with the President to go over JCR matters, be attending Oxford SU council here at Corpus (!), hosting a drop-in session on Saturday and of course charing the JCR meeting on Sunday evening! I will also keep reminding people that this term is an election term and we have lots of positions up for grabs so if you’re thinking of running please do get involved!!

Lots of love,

Alice xox

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Categories: Bulletin