Corpus JCR response to treatment of Ms Melanie Onovo

Published by JCR President on

Yesterday evening, Corpus JCR met to table a motion about the appalling treatment of Melanie Onovo by Christchurch JCR, Christchurch College, and all the people have sent her abusive messages.

We resolved unanimously to affirm our support for Melanie. She stood up for what’s right and her JCR and college have failed her.

Corpus JCR therefore condemns the Christchurch JCR president and other committee members who were negligent in their duties.

We condemn and express our disgust at anyone who has sent Melane abusive or undermining messages.

We condemn the Christchurch deans for their handling of the situation.

We demand a public and wholehearted apology from the Christchurch JCR (their last one was not good enough) and especially from the Christchurch deans for their actions.

We refuse to take part in any collaboration project with Christchurch until these measures are carried out, with the exception of any individual at Christchurch who has signed the petition in support of Melanie.

Categories: Bulletin