
Hello, everyone. My name is Jacob, and I am a second-year student of law. Far more relevantly to this website, I am also the Vice-President of the JCR. This role involves two principal sets of duties. First, the VP supports the President, doing whatever miscellaneous tasks need doing, attending meetings that the President cannot, and simply ensuring that nothing is accidentally missed from the President’s responsibilities. Second, the VP has a secretarial role, where I take minutes of the meetings of the JCR Committee and of the entire JCR. These minutes are published online, for public access. The VP also has to gather the officers’ reports, prepare motions, and attend various other committees.

Any time that you want to check that the minutes for a meeting are accurate, or you have any other concern to raise with that or any other part of my role, do feel free to reach out. If you need me, you can probably find me in the Law Library, perhaps Corpus Library if I am feeling particularly daring that day. My email is “”, the usual Oxonian email, and I am also reachable on Discord. I hope that everyone reading this has a great day.