For One Last Time

Published by President on


Here it is folks, my last blog post before I hand over to the wonderful Shiv!

It’s been a full-on year that has at times been very overwhelming but I’m so happy I got to work for the JCR as President. The committee has achieved some amazing things, from supporting liberation causes to updating the general running of undergraduate life. I came into this role hoping to make college life easier to navigate for students and to help make the burden of student life a little more bearable and I hope myself and other committee members will be leaving our roles having made Corpus JCR just that tiny bit better. Thank you to everyone who has helped make these changes happen!

This week I have been tying loose ends up. For example, we finally got an answer as to whether ollege will be financially supporting students with extended terms. The decision taken was that students with extended terms in financial difficulty can apply to get help from college, whether this be in the form of a loan, grant etc. This is a small change, but hopefully will help students who need financial support the most.

Other news includes the JCR renovation as the clear-out is underway and hopefully the “JCR Office” will be completely stripped this week with the help of maintenance. If you fancy taking anything from the room before it all goes, please just leave a small donation with one of the committee members to go to charity. For those wondering about storage, the JCR Welfare Room will be used as international storage over the vacation and we are looking into introducing a new system next year. Also of note, the JCR Renovation group met on Friday to go through what changes were to be made and the group were in general agreement about changes. If you have any particular opinions about this then please let them know. Most of the changes will be affecting the JCR Office by turning it into a cafe-type space!

Of course, JCR elections were the biggest news of this week, so congratulations to everyone who got elected to committee (and to the new tortoise keeper). I look forward to welcoming you into your roles come midnight at the bop on Friday! On Wednesday Shiv and I will both be attending Governing Body as part of our handover.

Today was our final JCR meeting of our quincentenary year, 2017. We passed lots of different and important motions so make sure you look out for Hannah’s meeting with the minutes! Keep an eye on how what has been voted this week works out next term by coming to the meetings!

As we are nearing the end of this committee’s tenure, we are looking ahead to next term. JCR renovation should get into full design mode, Corpus Challenge will be taking place alongside other exciting things! Keep getting involved in the JCR, it’s here to represent you throughout your time at university, so make the most of it.

Lots of love,



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Categories: Bulletin